Application of Efficient Matrix Inversion to the Decomposition of Hierarchical Matrices

On this page, you can find my Bachelor’s Thesis, supplementary material and errata.


This work may be cited as:

Moritz Klammler, Application of Efficient Matrix Inversion to the Decomposition of Hierarchical Matrices. Bachelor’s thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2014.

The following BibTeX entry might come handy:

  author = "Klammler, Moritz",
  title = "Application of Efficient Matrix Inversion to the Decomposition of Hierarchical Matrices",
  school = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology",
  year = "2014",
  month = "11",
  type = "bachelor's thesis",
  address = "Karlsruhe, Germany",
  url = "",



  1. The variables k120 and k127 in figure 5.6 should have be named d120 and d127 to match the names used in the surrounding text.
  2. In the first paragraph of § 1.1, it should be distributed, not shared memory systems.
  3. In figure 4.7, the type of M−1 in the InversePreconditioner class is wrong. It should be FullMatrix, not ArrangedMatrix.